If I enable protection in my Wishlist Member membership site how will non-member be able to see that the posts exist?


Hi Guys,

I want my non-member to be able to see that my existing protected posts so when they click on any of them they will be redirected to an error page, however, if I enable Wishlist protection then the posts completely disappear from the website. How can it be done?

Many thanks!



Hi Diana,

What you actually want is to allow your non-members a “Sneak Peek” at the protected content: the title and the first paragraph, so when they click to read more of the content, they will be transferred to the error page.

In order to allow the “Sneak Peek” you need to go to Wishlist Member settings >> “Protection Defaults” as seen in the below picture:

You need to leave it on “No” so the content won’t be completely hidden from non-members.

Now, when you publish a new post, you need to use the “Read More” tag so your non-member will be able to view only the content before the tag.

All the content after the tag will be shown to members only.

Good Luck!


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About Jen Morgan

I am an online marketing expert and a true Wordpress expert who worked at a large digital media company. I won many online marketing contests including "The most Unconventional Marketing Tactic". Besides my love the to the online world I also love dogs and cats and own one of each kind. Jen is the marketing department manager at HappyPlugins.com | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites

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