Tag Archives: Membership Cube Bonus Plugins

Membership Cube Bonus Plugins

Memberchip Cube is one of the most comprehensive training program available on how to build a successful  membership website, if you want to can read all about it on membership cube review.

Beside the great video instruction that Membership Cube, lots of bonuses plugins are included.

Here is a list of Memberchip Cube Bonus plugins and a short description of each one of them. If you want to to get more information on any plugin just click the link with his name. Read more…

Gravatar Manager

Gravatar Manager – Membership Cube Bonus Plugin

Gravatar Manager will help you to turn your regular membership website into a community   One of the most important steps in turning your membership website into a community is to let people know one another and to be familiar  with thier faces and pictures.

Gravatar Manager is giving you the option to add your membership picture near any comment that they write, this will make you members more familier with one another which will them a community feeling.

Gravatar Manager will also allowing you the author to add you own picture near any post that you write, your membership members will recognize you. Read more…


WP List Builder Review – Membership Cube Bonus Plugin

Worry No More About UN-Emailed Members With The Use Of WP List Builder Plugin!

WP List Builder is a WordPress plugin that integrates your membership software with your e-mail auto-responder. This integrates with ANY e-mail auto-responder in the market.

Getting to send your site-related emails to the members of your membership site is a very important process. They need to be continually reminded of updates happening in your site so that they will continue to participate in the forums and interact with the other members.

The problem with most membership solutions is that new members are not automatically added to the list of those who are supposed to receive your auto-response email messages. Read more…


One Click Sign-Up for Wishlist Member

Do you ever find yourself wanting to have your members from a free membership site you own move to another membership site that you have?

You might be thinking of a way to get these members to subscribe a membership site you own so you can earn more while giving them access to other content they would be interested in. Well, that is what the One Click Sign-Up Plugin is for. Read more…

Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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