Does Thesis theme compatible with Wishlist Member?
Purchase Wishlist Member plugin through this link or through any of the links in this page and get* our exclusive plugins that are NOT available for sale anywhere else:
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Popup Domination Review
Site owners usually believe that using pop-ups on their membership websites do no good to their site and that it just bugs visitors. Well, that is completely not the case!
Popup Domination Plugin is a WordPress plugin that enables you to produce professional looking light box pop-ups which are designed to boost the opt-in list conversion on your membership site.
All you need to do would be to install Popup Domination Plugin like any other WordPress plugin. Once you are done, you just need to make your selected changes on the dashboard.
After a while of getting used to Popup Domination Plugin, I am completely drawn to it. I have reached my opt-in conversion goals sooner than I imagined.

Action Popup Review
When I was just making my first steps in the online marketing world it used to be very challenging for me when it came to having people to opt-in to my mailing list. I had a lot of trouble finding ways to persuade them to sign up to my website.
In line with having a bad opt-in rate, I failed to earn a decent amount of money from any of my websites. I needed to grab the attention of my visitors rather than just let them get out of my site time and time again.
Action Popup is a WordPress plugin that helped me address this concern by flashing sleek pop–ups that would convince visitors to opt-in to my mailing list before they even get a chance to leave my site.
Action Popup Has Some Outstanding Features
Action Popup is very easy to operate from the moment you install it like an ordinary WordPress plugin, to the time you integrate it to your email Autoresponder like MailChimp and Aweber, as well as until the moment you set up the pop-ups you want your visitors to show. Indeed, this simple process will get you ready to use pop-ups on your membership websites in a short amount of time.
Action Popup provides flexibility by letting you choose whether a user who has opted-in would be redirected to a particular page you have set or simply to the current page again.
Regardless, you will still be getting the higher opt-in rates that every internet marketer wants. Read more…

Affiliate Royale Review
Affiliate Royale is a complete affiliate program plugin you install inside your WordPress site and easily manage your affiliates through its easy to use dashboard.
All you need to do is to install Affiliate Royale, add promotion and you are ready to go.
*** Important Update:
We have an updated post about Affiliate Royale and a complete comparison of Affiliate Royale vs. AffiliateWP plugin >> AffiliateWP vs. Affiliate Royale – Full Comparison

Membership Cube Bonus Plugins
Beside the great video instruction that Membership Cube, lots of bonuses plugins are included.
Here is a list of Memberchip Cube Bonus plugins and a short description of each one of them. If you want to to get more information on any plugin just click the link with his name. Read more…
This plugin is not longer available.
With the new versions of WordPress and Camtasia you can embed Camtasia movies very easily.
* This page is still published for archive reasons.