Tag Archives: upsells
Wishlist Member Upsells – Step By Step Guide

Wishlist Member Upsells – Step By Step Guide

Wishlist Member is a great plugin for creating membership websites. However, if you really want to increase your revenues then you should start up-selling.

Up-selling is a great sales tactic to generate more revenues from the same customer. When a customer is willing to buy from you, you know that he is already a paying customer, and it will be much easier to upsell to a customer who already pulled out his credit card once than to make another fresh sale from a new customer.

In many cases, up-selling can increase your revenues in even more then 200% so if you are not already using  the up-selling tactic, you should know that you are leaving a lot of money of the table.

What Do You Get in Our Upsell Guide?

  • The 4 most common upsells membership sites’ owners are using to generate more revenues
  • The exact flow in every upsell (detailed pictures)
  • The advantages and disadvantages in every flow
  • How to set up each of the upsells in Wishlist Member plugin
  • One Click Upsell with Wishlist Member plugin – Is it possible?

Table of Contents

What is an Upsell?

Upsells and Wishlist Member

Upsell #1 Flow

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Wishlist Member Settings

Upsell #2 Flow

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Wishlist Member Settings

Upsell #3 Flow

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Wishlist Member Settings

Upsell #4 Flow

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Wishlist Member Settings

Upsell Flow #5

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Wishlist Member Settings

What is the Best Flow for You?

Why You Should Get Our Upsell Guide?

Finding information on upsells online is not easy, yet it is one of the best tactics to increasing revenues.

But even though upselling is one of the best tactics to making more money, too many people are not taking advantage of it, since it looks too complicated and scary to even try to figure out how to do it right.

Well, that is definitely not a reason to overlook it!

That is why we gathered all the information about upsells for you in one place.

Think about it, you could be making 50, 100 and even 200% more money from the same amount of customers you have.

So if you really want to generate much more revenues by up-selling to your customers, you should get our Complete Upsell Guide.

Wishlist Member Upsells – Step By Step Guide

Wishlist Member Upsells – Step by Step Guide

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