Why Would I Need to Add a Dashboard On My Membership Website?



I have started to build my first membership website and I can’t understand.

Why should I add a dashboard on my membership website?

Thank, Justin


Hey Justin,

One of the most important thing about creating successful membership website is keeping your members happy and trying to eliminate any confusion that they have.

Adding a members dashboard for you members help them to find all the important information that they straight after they log in.

If you let your members wonder where to find the information they need in most cases they will give and cancel their membership.

You can build you dashboard just like any other page on you website or you can use dedicate plugin for the job.

Currently one of the best plugin that can help you do the job in an easy way is  Members Multiple Dashboards.

You will be able to build a dashboard for members in no time at.

Find the more on Members Multiple Dashboards on:


Looking for More Answers?

Wishlist Insider is a premium training, resources, forum and support for membership sites owners.

Wishlist Insider includes: Live training, webinars, videos, audio lessons, tips and marketing materials from the Wishlist Insider team.

Join the Insider community and start building successful membership sites!

Read our full review on Wishlist Insider or click here to join today!


About Jen Morgan

I am an online marketing expert and a true Wordpress expert who worked at a large digital media company. I won many online marketing contests including "The most Unconventional Marketing Tactic". Besides my love the to the online world I also love dogs and cats and own one of each kind. Jen is the marketing department manager at HappyPlugins.com | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites

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