How to Grant Your WishList Members with Exclusive Discounts on Your WooCommerce Products
August 30, 2020

You probably already know that you can grant coupons and time-limited discounts to attract more customers to purchase your products and merchandise,
But have you ever considered granting exclusive discounts on different products you sell to members who are registered to your WishList membership site?
This means that members will enjoy special discounts no other customer will get, and you will enjoy a massive increase in your overall sales and revenues!
Granting members-only discounts can be easily done vie our plugin Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts
Here are 4 Good Reasons Why You Should Grant Members-Only Discounts:
Reason #1 – Increase the Registrations to Your Membership Site
You can use this members-only privilege to get special discounts on your products to market your membership site.
For example: “Want to get 20% on all my brand’s merchandise? Register to my membership site and get members-only discounts!”
Reason #2 – Make Your Members Feel Special
By giving your members unique discounts no one else can get you will obviously make them feel special and increase their satisfaction!
And happy members are members who pay over and over again, and are members who recommend others to become members as well.
Reason #3 – Increase Members Engagement & Retention
Purchasing more of your products will lead to more interaction with you.
More interaction with you will lead to more engaged members.
And more engaged members will lead to higher retention rates.
Reason #4 – Increase Your Sales and Revenues
The side effect of all the other reasons are that obviously your sales and revenues will also increase…
So if you are still not granting your members with unique members-only discounts, we hope that this post has convinced you to start 🙂
Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts Features:
Granting WishList Members Discounts on Your WooCommerce Products – Video #1:
In this video we go over how you can grant WishList Member members with unique discounts on any of your WooCommerce Products.
So only customers who are registered to your membership site will benefit from the discount, while your regular customers will pay the regular price:
Setting Up Discount Priority to Multiple WishList Membership Levels Registration – Video #2:
in this video we demonstrate how you can grant WishList members who are registered to multiple membership levels unique discounts on your WooCommerce products.
So, for example, if a member was registered to a free level and got only 5% discount as a free member, the discount will automatically change to a higher percentage when he will also be added to a paid membership level:
- Free level only – 5% Off
- Free + Paid levels – 15%
Watch the video and see how easy it is to setup:
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