How to Redirect Upgrading Members to a Unique Page on their First Login after the Upgrade?

How to Redirect Upgrading Members to a Unique Page on their First Login after the Upgrade?

How to Redirect Upgrading Members to a Unique Page on their First Login after the Upgrade?


This How to Question comes from Anja and it is about how to display members who upgrade their membership a unique login page on the first time  they login to the members’ area after the upgrade.

Question: “I want to display different information to members who upgrade their membership, but only on the first time they login to the members’ area after the upgrade, how can I achieve that?”

First Login Redirection to Upgrading Wishlist Members:


Using Wishlist First Login Redirection you can redirect upgrading members to a unique page on their first login to the membership site.

First go to the Settings tab and choose the relevant redirection page per membership level. Now scroll down to the field “New Member Level” and make sure the box is checked. Click to Save and that’s it.

Now every time a member is upgraded to a new membership level he will be redirected according to the settings you defined.

For more information go to Wishlist First Login Redirection 

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The Wishlist Member Plugin website Team is comprised of individuals who are passionate about internet marketing and enjoy building membership sites using Wishlist Member.

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