Wishlist Member Plugins – Members Plugins

Change Users Roles
The Wishlist Member Change User Roles Extension allows a site owner to setup their membership site for multiple memberships and utilize the WordPress User Role to control access to other parts of the website.
One Click Sign Up
Get your existing subscribers moved over with one click, using this software. Use this one-click membership access as a bonus, location for newsletter archives, special promotion, whatever you choose. Part of Membership Cube, doesn’t sold separately.

WP List Builder
WP List Builder is a WordPress plugin that integrates your membership software with your e-mail autoresponder. This integrates with ANY e-mail autoresponder. Part of Membership Cube, doesn’t sold separately.

Wishlist Widget Control
This PlugIn allows you to display specific widgets based on the Membership Level that is logged in and viewing your site. WL Widget Control will provide additional display options for all sidebar widgets based on the membership levels used in the WishList Member plugin. Publsihed as Wishlist Insider Bonus Plugin and not aviable for buying right now. Signup for Wishlist Insider to get all the futute plugins.

List Users
The List Users plugin allows you to quickly and easily embed user lists into your WordPress pages. You can optionally list all the members of your site on a page or list users only of a specific role. Publsihed as Wishlist Insider Bonus Plugin and not aviable for buying right now.Signup for Wishlist Insider to get all the future plugins.
Easy Member Profiles
The Easy Member Profiles plugin allows you to quickly and easily create a simple member profile page for your membership site. It supports showing a member’s gravatar, bio, recent comments, and recent posts for authors. Publsihed as Wishlist Insider Bonus Plugin and not aviable for buying right now. Signup for Wishlist Insider to get all the future plugins.
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