Tag Archives: elementor sections protection
How to Dynamically Protect Elementor Sections & Blocks using WishlistMebmer without the Need of Shortcodes!

How to Dynamically Protect Elementor Sections & Blocks using Wishlist Mebmer without the Need of Shortcodes!

WishList Member is one of the most popular and veteran membership plugins, and Elementor is basically the most popular page-builder.

So it only makes sense to combine them together and create beautiful membership pages: members’ dashboard, welcome pages, course pages and a lot more.

How to Protect Content using WishList Member & Elementor

If you want to protect content when creating pages via Elementor page-builder, you need to use WishList Member’s shortcodes.

The downsides of using shortcodes inside Elementor are:

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
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