How to Dynamically Protect Elementor Sections & Blocks using Wishlist Mebmer without the Need of Shortcodes!
July 7, 2020
WishList Member is one of the most popular and veteran membership plugins, and Elementor is basically the most popular page-builder.
So it only makes sense to combine them together and create beautiful membership pages: members’ dashboard, welcome pages, course pages and a lot more.
How to Protect Content using WishList Member & Elementor
If you want to protect content when creating pages via Elementor page-builder, you need to use WishList Member’s shortcodes.
The downsides of using shortcodes inside Elementor are:
- You can only protect text blocks – If you want to protect other types of blocks such as: videos, images or any other Elementor block, you will not be able to do so
- You cannot hide the block, only the text inside it – This means that if a member does not have access to that block, he will see a blank space, and will notice that something is “missing” from the page
- You need to protect each text block separately – This makes it super difficult for managing more complex and dynamic pages, such as dashboard page for example
Protecting Elementor Text Blocks using WishList Member Shortcodes:
How the Protected Block Content Looks:
If your Elementor page includes content that part of it is protected for one membership level and the other for another membership level, it will look like this:
Or like this:
How to Dynamically Protect Complete Elementor Sections / Blocks without Shortcodes
Using Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member & Elementor plugin you can easily protect ANY Elementor block and / or section.
This will allow you to easily create dynamic and beautiful members’ pages with in literally seconds!
Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member & Elementor allows you to protect your WishList Member content and display it only to the relevant membership level/s you want, including:
- Displaying content to members who are assigned to specific level/s
- Hiding content from members who are assigned to specific level/s
- Displaying content to members who are NOT assigned to specific level/s
- Hiding content from members who are NOT assigned to specific level/s
More exclusive features:
- Supports ALL Types of Elementor Blocks – You can display / hide every type of Elementor block you want, not just text, but literally any type of block (title, icon, image… You name it!)
- Supports Elementor Sections – Display / hide entire sections and not just blocks!
- Supports Multiple Membership Levels Combinations – You can display / hide blocks to any combination of levels you want!! No limitations what so ever!!
Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member & Elementor Screenshtos:
Screenshot A:

Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member and Elementor settings
Screenshot B:
Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member and Elementor settings no shortcodes needed
How You Can Get Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member & Elementor
Dynamic Visibility for Wishlist Member & Elementor is available for purchase in our online shop at HappyPlugins.
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