Tag Archives: stripe integration
Does Wishlist Auto Registration Work with WooCommerce ?

Does Wishlist Member Integrate with PayPal Pro?

“Do you possibly know if WishList supports PayPal Pro?”

~ Destinee Cushing

Our Answer:

PayPal Pro is only activated in few countries. Wishlist does not support PayPal Pro in the current version.

A good alternative to PayPal Pro is Stripe payment gateway.

You can read this post for more information: “Integrating Wishlist Member with Stripe Payment Gateway

Does Wishlist Auto Registration Work with WooCommerce ?

Integrating Wishlist Member with Stripe Payment Gateway

We got several questions from Destinee Cushing about using Wishlist with Stripe.

We collected them into one post:

My company is tracking E-Commerce data for the video course we’re launching in Google Analytics. We can’t have buyers leave the site at all to make a purchase or we’ll lose the tracking data.

Question: Will WishList allow members to buy the course while staying on our site? Or do they get sent to another site, like PayPal sends customers to their site?

Read more…

Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
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