Can I Use Wishlist Member for Changing the order of posts?


My membership website contains information on many posts.

The posts need to be in a specific order because together they combine a complete series.

How can Wishlist Member change the order of posts?

Thanks, Andrea


Hi, Adrea

Wishlist Member is not responsible for the order of the posts on your website, the WordPress platform does.

The problem is that the WordPress  platform by itself does not have a feature that enable you to change the order of your posts easily.

Although you can do it manually by changing the publish date of each post, this can take you hours if you are dealing with lots of posts.

The answer like is most cases  is using a plugin that was developed just for that.

The plugin called Post Mash and it’s allowing to change the order of your posts easily.

BTW, if you want the same features for your pages there is another plugin called Page Mash with the same features just for pages.

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About Bob Tolbert

User of Wishlist Member starting from the early versions, developed many membership websites for clients. My specialty is coding and special projects and tasks. I love wind surfing and long walks. Bob is also the development department manager at | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites

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