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Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts [NEW PLUGIN]

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts [NEW PLUGIN]

Your Wishlist Member WooCommerce integration is just about to get WAY better with this new plugin…

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts is a unique plugin that allows you to grant existing members with special discounts for products you sell through your WooCommerce store based on the membership level they are registered to.

Your Benefit from Using the Plugin

The plugin is very versatile and there are many tactics to using it to increase your revenues. Here are few of the benefits:

1. Increase the registrations to your membership site

By granting unique discounts for members only, while regular customers will pay higher price) will encourage customers to register to your membership site

2. Encourage members to upgrade their membership

By granting bigger discounts to members of higher membership levels you will encourage your other members to upgrade their membership

3. Increase your overall sales & revenues

No matter which tactic you choose to implement on your audience, granting discounts only to specific groups of users will help you increase your overall sales and revenues

Main Features

These are the main features of Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts:

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Clarification about Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

New Features for Wishlist Member WooCommerce Integration

If you are using Wishlist Member and WooCommerce platforms then you might already be familiar with Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus that allows you to integrate the 2 platforms very easily and in just 1-click!

I wanted to update you about some new plugins we have released with features that enhance the integration and can help you accomplish even more with your website.

Hope you will benefit from the features and if you have any comments or feedbacks we will be happy to hear them in the comment section.

These are the Available Plugins

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts:

allows you to grant your existing members with special discounts for products you sell through WooCommerce based on the membership level/s they are registered to.

This means that only customers who are also registered to your membership site will benefit from the discount, while your regular customers will pay the regular price.

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts has very straight forward settings and you can easily set your desired discounts for each product.

Follow these 3 simple steps to set your discounts:

  1. Go to the Products menu and click Edit on the relevant product
  2. Scroll down to the Product Data Meta box
  3. Go to the WL Members Discounts tab and set your discounts for the relevant membership levels

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus – Member Registration (AddOn):

Allows you to register customers to any membership level / pay-per-post after completing a WooCommerce product purchase.

All you need to do to register members automatically to any Wishlist Member membership level and / or pay-per-post is follow 2 simple steps:

  1. Go to the Products menu and click to edit the relevant product
  2. Go to the Product Data Meta box > under the Wishlist Member Registration tab and choose the membership level/s and / or pay-per-posts as seen in the below screenshot:

Member Registration Add-On

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus – Custom Post Type (AddOn):

Allows you to sell custom post types individually using Wishlist Member & WooCommerce platform.

Integrating the Custom Post Type Add-On in 4 Simple Steps:

  1. Enable your chosen custom post types within Wishlist Member setting
  2. Define Wishlist Member settings inside the relevant custom post type
  3. Create your membership product using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus (Notice in the below screenshot that the custom post types were added automatically to the tables)
  4. Click Edit, define the Product Data settings and content & publish it

Custom Post Type Add-On

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus – External Membership Sites (AddOns Bundle):

Allows you to sell memberships that are located on a separate domain (different WordPress installation) than your WooCommerce website.

The External Membership Products table will be displayed only after you install and activate the add-on as seen in the below screenshot:

External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle


Clarification about Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

5 Major Benefits to Integrating WooCommerce with Wishlist Member


Integrating Wishlist Member and WooCommerce can be very powerful and can help increase your total earnings and revenues significantly.

If you are thinking of integrating Wishlist Member with WooCommerce, but you’re not sure if you should and what are the benefits of doing so, in this post we go over all the benefits of integrating both platforms.

Table of Contents

Why You Should Wishlist Member & WooCommerce

1. Sell multiple types of products

You can sell different types of products in the same platform, for example: online courses, memberships, individual posts (pay-per-posts), physical products, digital products etc.

When you offer multiple types of products in one place you can take advantage of the same traffic you already have to expose other products to the same audience, and, therefore, increase your chances of increasing the value per customer (revenues from each customer).

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Wishlist Member Quick Video Series List

How to Sell Pay-per-posts using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

In continuation to our post about Moving from WooThemes “WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration” to “Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus” in the next couple of video tips we will show you how you can easily sell membership levels and / or pay-per-posts using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus.

In this video we go over how you can sell one or more pay-per-posts in one single purchase through the WooCommerce platform:

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Wishlist Member Quick Video Series List

How to Sell Multiple Levels and / or Pay-per-posts using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

In continuation to our post about Moving from WooThemes “WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration” to “Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus” in the next couple of video tips we will show you how you can easily sell membership levels and / or pay-per-posts using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus.

In this video we go over how you can sell multiple Wishlist membership levels and pay-per-posts in one single purchase through the WooCommerce platform:

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Wishlist Member Quick Video Series List

How to Sell Membership Levels using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

In continuation to our post about Moving from WooThemes “WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration” to “Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus” in the next couple of video tips we will show you how you can easily sell membership levels and / or pay-per-posts using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus.

In the first video we go over how to sell one or more membership levels to both new and existing members.

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How to Move from WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration Plugin to Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

How to Move from WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration Plugin to Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus

Recently, WooThemes have announced they have discontinued selling their plugin “WooCommerce Wishlist Member Integration” and they will also stop supporting anyone who has already bought this plugin and has it on his website.

If you are using the WooThemes plugin for Wishlist Member it means that every new WordPress version / Wishlist Member / WooCommerce versions has the potential to break this integration as no future adaption will be done to the code.

Because most of the Wishlist Member integration with WooCommerce is done behind the scenes, you will probably not even know a problem exists until one of your customers will report to you about it.

This has raised many questions among people who want to move from using WooThemes plugin to using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus developed by our team of developers at HappyPlugins

Migrating from WooThemes Wishlist Member Integration Plugin to Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus – Video Tutorial:

Explanations + Screenshots:

Since we received many requests, we decided to write this short post to show you exactly how you can shift from the WooThemes plugin to Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus in a matter of seconds:

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Does Wishlist Member Integrate with Premium Web Cart?

How to restrict WooCommerce products using Wishlist Member to be visible by members only?


We have wishlist member and we’re setting up WooCommerce to sell hard shippable products. We do not sell any products to non-members.

We want to use Wishlist Member to restrict WooCommerce store to only be available to our members.

Do any of your plugins achieve this?

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Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

Using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus plugin with WooCommerce Taxes


Hi, I am just about to buy your WLM & WooCommerce integration plugin.

However what I need to know is can you create an invoice pre gateway from the the bundled 2.

My situation is this. I am in Australia and have a site providing training materials. In Australia we have goods and services tax of 10% and have to provide a invoice with the GST separate out.

I am looking to build a solution that can address this and I am hoping that if I integrate WLM with WooCommerce, I will have it licked. Am I on the right track?


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Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

WooThemes Wishlist Member WooCommerce Extension Error



I’m having issues setting up WooCommerce and the Wishlist Member Integration Extension from WooThemes.

I’m using PayPal Advanced via the PayPal Advanced extension (also from WooThemes).

I’m also using the Genesis Framework and the Agency child theme.

I’ve read all the documentation for each extension and believe I have set things up correctly, but I can’t get things to work. So, there’s a good chance that I don’t have things set up correctly.

The issue I’m currently struggling with is as following. I can get to the point of checking out. I add my credit card data via the PayPal Advanced screen. When I click the button to process the order, I get the following error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wlmapi_update_member() in /home/cdonohue/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-wishlist-member/woocommerce_wishlist.php on line 311.

My credit card does get charged and the payment does show up in my PayPal account. There is no contact made with Wishlist Member, though. No new members ever show up and I’m never redirected beyond the error message noted above.

If anyone has seen this before, I could sure use some guidance. Thanks!

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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