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Easy Members Profiles for Wishlist Member

Designing A Member’s Bio Page Is Made Easy With The Easy Members Profiles Plugin!

Whenever members sign up to your membership site, they want to know that what’s in store for them are all worth their time, and, possibly, their money too.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

One of the things that will be having is a profile page that should have all the necessary information areas they could put details about themselves in. However, getting ideas of how this should look like is not a very easy thing to do for most membership site owners like you. Read more…

List Users for Wishlist Member

List Users for Wishlist Member

You Do Not Need To Worry About Administrative Tasks Any Longer!

Time is a very valuable element in every endeavor you pursue, which includes managing the users who sign up for your membership site.

Doing such administrative tasks, yourself, can be such a burden, not to mention how time-consuming it can get especially if you have a lot of members in your site already.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

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One Click Sign-Up for Wishlist Member

Do you ever find yourself wanting to have your members from a free membership site you own move to another membership site that you have?

You might be thinking of a way to get these members to subscribe a membership site you own so you can earn more while giving them access to other content they would be interested in. Well, that is what the One Click Sign-Up Plugin is for. Read more…


Change Users Roles for Wishlist Member

Change Users Roles for Wishlist Member is a very advanced and handy plugin. This plugin is one of those things you don’t know you need until you see it.

Before we try to explain what Change Users Roles does, lets try to explain what exactly users roles on WordPress is?

WordPress has built-in types users roles, each user role has its own capabilities and permissions.  As an example, we all know the administrator user role.

Important Update:

Change Users Role was a 3rd-party plugin and it appears that this plugin does not exist anymore.

We have created 2 unique resources that gather all the Wishlist Member dedicated plugins:

Wishlist Member Complete Repository

Wishlist Member Plugins Finder Wizard

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Wishlist Widget Control

Wishlist Widget Control

UPDATE: Wishlist Widget Control is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Widget Control plugin allows you to display different widgets based on the membership level or based on the WordPress logical conditions.

This plugin is very simple but yet very powerful.

Wishlist Widget Control Features:

  • Control what widgets will be displayed  and when to display them
  • Supports all available widgets
  • Simple and straight forward settings

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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