Using HappyPlugins Shortcodes-Based Plugins with Custom Post Types & Page Builders

Using HappyPlugins Shortcodes-Based Plugins with Custom Post Types & Page Builders

HappyPlugins company develops plugins for large membership sites and eCommerce platforms, many of the plugins are Wishlist Member dedicated.

Some of the plugins are shortcode-based and include the following:

All the above plugins work with every custom post type, page builder and theme that supports WordPress shortcodes.

All the shortcodes-based plugins at are using regular WordPress shortcodes, which means that if the element you are using inside the custom post type / page-builder supports WordPress shortcodes then you can also use any shortcode of these plugins we specified.

Examples of Page Builders / Themes That Work with WordPress Shortcodes

Basically, EVERY page builder / theme that supports WordPress shortcodes will work with HappyPlugins shortcodes-based plugins.

To make it easier for you, these are the page builders we know of that work with WordPress shortcodes:

  • OptimizePress
  • Divi Theme / Plugin
  • All Elegant Themes themes and plugins
  • Elementor
  • Visual Composer
  • Avada Theme

Note:in page-builders the shortcodes must be placed in the same module (opener and closer) for the shortcode to work and display the information.

For more information go to the original post at HappyPlugins blog 

About Dana Brown

I am a full-time internet marketer, I help people establish successful membership sites for about 3 years now. I am a project manager at - An online store for WordPress and Wishlist Member plugins.

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