Tip #70: How to Drip Content to Level X while Permanently Display the Same Content to Level Y
February 28, 2016
If you have multiple membership levels, you may want to display your content to each level differently.
One of our customers has asked us how if and how it is possible to drip the content to one membership level while allowing members of a different level to always see the content (the same content).
In this tip we go over how you can accomplish that exact scenario.
Table of Contents
Ways to Drip Your Content
Before we go over how you can accomplish the above scenario, here are the possible ways to drip your content on your Wishlist Member membership site:
- The Sequential Upgrade feature (built-in within Wishlist Member)
- Wishlist Content Scheduler plugin (developed by the Wishlist Member team)
- Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes plugin (developed by HappyPlugins)
How to Accomplish the above Scenario?
In order to accomplish the above scenario, which is to drip your content to members of level X while permanently display the exact same content to members of level Y, you will need to combine both Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes plugin and Wishlist Member private tags feature.
For dripping the content to members of level X use Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes, for example:
[ wldd_display levels=”Level X” display_message=”yes” message=”This content will be revealed to
you in {{days}} on exact date of {{date}}” period=”14days” ] Your Content [ /wldd_display ]
Note: You can get all the information about the plugin’s shortcodes and how to use them in the plugin’s sales page
For permanently displaying the content to members of level Y you can use Wishlist Member’s private tags, for example:
[ wlm_private Level Y” ]Your content…[ /wlm_private ]
Embedding the shortcodes:
Embedding the shortcodes is simple, you will need to create 2 different content blocks that are not nested.
Each content block will include the exact same content, but for each you will use the relevant shortcodes as shown above.
What is Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes?
Using Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes you can accomplish not only the above scenario.
The plugin allows you to:
- Reveal (drip) content – Display the content after a specific period of time
- Hide (archive) content – Hide the content after a specific period of time
You can reveal / archive content based on the members’ registration date, membership level and the time passed since the registration.
For more information, including a complete video tutorial, go to Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes product page
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