Tag Archives: Wishlist Member Easy Digital Downloads Integration
How to Sell Multiple Memberships in Once Checkout Process (4 Options)

How to Sell Wishlist Member Memberships from a Different Website?

Many membership sites owners want to take advantage of the traffic they have to their eCommerce website to also sell Wishlist memberships and increase their membership site’s sales.

Many of them have asked us if it is possible in any way to sell their Wishlist Member memberships that are on a different website in the same cart with other eCommerce products they sell.

Benefits of Selling External Memberships

* External memberships are membership that are on a different website (different domain / sub-domain / directory etc.)

Obviously, selling external memberships through an online store has great benefits that will help you maximize your revenues, including:

  • Taking advantage of traffic you already have to your online store
  • Easy purchase process – Customers will complete only one purchase process and be registered also to the relevant membership site/s
  • Allows you to promote 3rd-party membership sites (as an affiliate / partnerships etc.)
  • Using the eCommerce platform’s extensions you can easily add different features that will help sell your membership, such as: special coupons, upsells, bundles, statistic information etc.

How to Sell External Wishlist Member Memberships?

You can easily sell multiple Wishlist Member memberships from different membership sites by integrating Wishlist Member with an eCommerce platform.

2 of the most popular eCommerce platforms are: Easy Digital Downloads & WooCommerce.

For integrating Wishlist Member with WooCommerce you will need:

Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus plugin and the External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle for WooCommerce

For integrating Wishlist Member with Easy Digital Downloads you will need: 

Wishlist Member Easy Digital Downloads Plus plugin and the External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle for EDD

More Useful Information:

Tip #71: 4 Powerful Methods for Creating Bundles using Wishlist Member

Tip #72: How to Integrate Your Membership Site with an eCommerce Platform

Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

How to create a storefront using Wishlist Member & Easy Digital Downloads?


“Hi, I had purchased the easy digital downloads plus and you guys installed it for me which was wonderful. Do you have directions for the best way to start using the plug-in with WishList for creating a storefront? I’m looking to put the products on one page of my website as a store.
Thank you for always being so helpful! 

Warm regards, Carol”


Hi Carol,

​Thank you for your email and your kind words!

​For creating a store front you can choose a relevant theme from EDD in this link:

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Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

Does Wishlist Member integrate with SendOwl eCommerce platform?


Hi guys,

I want to integrate my Wishlist membership site with an eCommerce platform and I was wondering if Wishlist Member integrates with SendOwl.

Also, do you know of any other ecommerce platforms that integrate with Wishlist?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!



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Wishlist Member Easy Digital Downloads Integration Plugin

Wishlist Member Easy Digital Downloads Integration Plugin is Finally Available!


After the great success with our Wishlist Member WooCommerce integration plugin, many have asked us to release an integration plugin for Easy Digital Downloads.

We are happy to finally announce we have just released an integration plugin with EDD, the plugin is called Wishlist Member Easy Digital Downloads Plus and it allows you to easily integrate Wishlist Member and Easy Digital Downloads in 1 click!

Important Note: 

If you want to start using Easy Digital Downloads platform you might be interested to know which plugins (both free and paid) we recommend and use in our eCommerce website: Easy Digital Downloads – The Engine Behind Our Online Store

The Benefits of Integrating Wishlist Member & Easy Digital Downloads

Sell multiple membership levels and create any combination of membership levels by adding them to the cart and buy them in one purchase

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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