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Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #70: How to Drip Content to Level X while Permanently Display the Same Content to Level Y

If you have multiple membership levels, you may want to display your content to each level differently.

One of our customers has asked us how if and how it is possible to drip the content to one membership level while allowing members of a different level to always see the content (the same content).

In this tip we go over how you can accomplish that exact scenario.

Table of Contents

What You Get From this Tip?

  • Ways you can drip your content using Wishlist Member
  • How to drip content to Level X while permanently display the exact same content to Level Y

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Register to our FREE membership on the form to your right and get immediate access to this tip and to all the upcoming tips about Wishlist Member. Tip #70: How to Drip Content to Level X while Permanently Display the Same Content to Level Y

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Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #42: How to Create a Dynamic Members’ Dashboard for Your Members

The members’ dashboard has a very important purpose: to allow your members to navigate through the membership site quickly and easily.

So the more targeted your membership site’s dashboard is, the faster and easier it will be for your members to find the information they need, and their engagement and overall satisfaction is more likely to increase (and so is the retention rate).

Many of our clients keep asking us how it is possible to create a targeted members’ dashboard that will display information according to each members specifically, and this is exactly what we are going to cover in this tip.

What You Get in this Tip?

In this tip we will be going over 3 different options for displaying a dynamic and targeted dashboard that will display members the exact content they can access.

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Tip #42: How to Create a Dynamic Members' Dashboard for Your Members

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