[Case Study] The Community Plugin Custom Development

[Case Study] The Community Plugin Custom Development

Our team develops custom plugins for clients on a daily basis, but until now we haven’t wrote about the different plugins we develop, except those we release for purchase to all Wishlist Member users.

So we decided to start publishing some of the custom developments to share with you other membership sites owners’ ideas that may give you some new approaches and tactics you can use in your own membership site.

The first case study we have published includes 2 plugins we developed:

1. PayPal Subscription Notifications

2. Terms of Use User Agreement

You can read all about these plugins and how they might be useful to you in the below link:

Read the complete case study here 

About Bob Tolbert

User of Wishlist Member starting from the early versions, developed many membership websites for clients. My specialty is coding and special projects and tasks. I love wind surfing and long walks. Bob is also the development department manager at HappyPlugins.com | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites

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