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Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

Is it possible to integrate Wishlist Member with Stripe payment gateway?


“Is it possible to integrate Wishlist Member with Stripe payment gateway?


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Deleting Posts Revisions - Yes / No and Our Solution

How To Handle Posts Revisions and Why You Should Do It?

Posts revisions are created every time you hit the “Save” button to save a post / page.

If you are also suffering from a severe CSD (Compulsive Saving Disorder šŸ˜‰ ) then you might want to consider clearing your posts revisions from time to time.

Posts Revisions

Posts Revisions

Here is an example:Ā If your website asĀ about 100 posts and each post contains even only 5 revisions, you now have 500 revisions in your database…

In time, you posts revisions will grow and your database size will grow along with it.

So What Can You Do?

There are opinions to both ways, some say posts revisions should not be deleted and some say they should, and there is a simple solution that allows you to manage your posts revisions properly:

Why to DeleteĀ Posts Revisions

The more revisions you have, the more space is taken and the moreĀ your database size increases.

Depending on the amount of content you have, too many revisions can cause your website to work slowly.

Too many revisions can be confusing to the point they won’t really serveĀ the purpose.

Why Not to DeleteĀ Posts Revisions

The simple reason why not to remove posts revisions is the fact that they can actually serve you well and can really save you if you need to go back to previous versions of your content.

The Solution – Revision Control Plugin

Store as many revisions as you needĀ – Define the number of revisions you want to store for posts / pages / articles

Revision Control Plugin

Revision Control Plugin


Delete revisions manually – You can manually delete revisions by entering the post and deleting each revision

Delete revisions manually

Delete revisions manually


Download Revision Control

Do you prefer deleting your posts revisions or not? Do you also suffer from CSD like us? Please share your insights in the comment section

Using a Theme's Shortcodes vs. a Stand-Alone Shortcodes Plugin

Using a Theme’s Shortcodes vs. a Stand-Alone Shortcodes Plugin

Shortcodes can helpĀ you stylize your website, add different functions (such as: tabs, tables, toggles, highlights, boxes etc.).

There are two main options to adding shortcodes to your website:

  1. Using a theme that has built-in shortcodes, for example: Headlines, Avada, OptimizePress 1.0 etc.
  2. InstallingĀ a stand-alone plugin such as: Shortcodes Ultimate

We personally have a “love-hate relationship” with shortcodes:

We love shortcodes because because they can really help improve users experience, the website’s look and feel and organize the content better.

We “hate” shortcodes because they canĀ make the posts look messy if you use too many shortcodes in one post / page.

Using aĀ Theme’s Shortcodes

The main downside of using a theme’s shortcodes is that it makes it more complicated to shift to a new theme if your content is wrapped with a lot of shortcodes, unless you are using a theme from the same company that supports the same shortcodes.

Just think about going over all the posts and pages of your website and changing their design and structure all over again…

Using a Stand-Alone Shortcodes Plugin

For the exact reason above we chose to work with a stand-alone plugin instead of relying on the theme’s built-in shortcodes.

We haven’t found any major downsides to using a stand-alone plugin, but there are two you might consider:

  1. If you don’t want to have too many plugins installed (though one more plugin won’t really make such a difference…)
  2. You are using a plugin that does not update on a regular and frequent basis. The WordPress platform releases frequent updates, so make sure you choose a popular plugin that has frequent updates, we recommend using Shortcodes Ultimate.

Here is a screenshot of Shortcodes Ultimate availableĀ shortcodes (enter a post and click on the “Insert Shortcode” button above the toolbar):

Shortcodes Ultimate available shortcodes

Shortcodes Ultimate available shortcodes


Got any insights regarding how to use shortcodes? You are more than welcome to share them with us in the comment section below.

6 Plugins We Install on Practically Every WordPress Website We Build

6 Plugins We Install on Practically Every WordPress Website We Build

If you have build several WordPress websites by now then you probably noticed that you have built yourself a list of “must-have” plugins you install on every WordPress website you build.

We also have a list of our own, the list includes dozens of both free and paid plugins we are using on a regular basis.

In this list we decided to focus on the really must-have free plugins and we have included only plugins that we believe are the core plugins that every website owner should have installed on his website, from beginner to advanced.

There are the Top 6Ā Plugins We Chose for the List:

1. Akismet

Spam comments are very annoying, they make it difficult for you to notice real comments between all spam ones, they get your emails box flooded with notifications about new comments waiting and they can even make your website’s slower if too many spam pilesĀ up.

Akismet is easy and simple to use, all you need to do is open an through (if you don’t already have one) and choose the free plan (assuming you are installing the plugin on a personal website).

Akismet Settings Screen:

Akismet WordPress Plugin

Akismet WordPress Plugin


2. Broken link checker

Broken Link Checker helps you detect any broken links your website might contain. The plugin notifies you by mail whenever a broken link is detected. This plugin will be more and more valuable as your website grows.

This plugin will also help you monetize your website for SEO, as broken links can lower your rankings in the search results.

Inside the plugin’s settings you canĀ define general settings (as seen in the screenshot below) and choose where to look for links:Ā posts, pages, comments, the blogroll and custom fields.

Broken link checker - WordPress Plugin

Broken link checker – WordPress Plugin


3. Google Analytics by Yoast

There are many Google Analytics plugins, but Google Analytics by Yoast is, without a doubt, the most popular one.

No need to extend on this one, it includes many options as well as advanced tracking options.

For using the the basic options of the plugin here is the general settings screen:

Google Analytics by Yoast - WordPress Plugin

Google Analytics by Yoast – WordPress Plugin


4. Limit Login Attempts

Limit Login Attempts is a highly important security plugin that will help prevent hackers from hacking your website.

When installing a new WordPress website, you have the option to choose to automatically add Limit Login Attempts plugin to the installation process, or you can download it from the WordPress repository and upload it to the site.

Note that the plugin hasn’t been updates for over 2 years, but we are still using it on our websites and we haven’t encountered any problems with it so far.

In the plugins settings you will also get a list of all the attempts made to hack your website, the list includes the IP address and the user name they tried to access with (“admin” is probably the most popular one so don’t use it as a username ever).

Limit Login Attempts - WordPress Plugin

Limit Login Attempts – WordPress Plugin


5. Redirection

Redirection plugin allows you to manage your 301 redirections and 404 errors easily.

Redirection plugin is a must-have and can help you, especially when moving your website to a new domain / hosting, when you need to change a post’s / page’s link etc.

The plugin is also highly important for SEO purposes and can help you maintain high rankings in search engines.

Redirection - WordPress Plugin

Redirection – WordPress Plugin


6. WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast is another great plugin that can help you improve your website’s ranking in the search engines.

Again, there are many popular plugins for SEO (such as: Ultimate SEO and All In One SEO Pack), but after using all three of them, Yoast’s plugin is our favorite. We will write a complete comparison between all three in a future post).

The plugin can help you write SEO oriented posts, provide you with suggestions on how to improve your SEO rankings, allows you to add meta descriptions and titles and more.

In conclusion, WordPress SEO by Yoast gives youĀ real SEO guidance from anĀ expert.

We haven’t included a screenshot as the plugin has several settings screens, you can check them out in WordPress repository using the above link.

– – –

As written in the beginning, this post sums up only the core must-have plugins we recommend every website to include.

We originally stated this post with 12 plugins, but we narrowed down the list to only 6 because we wanted to really make it a list of the really MUST HAVE plugins.

If you are using Wishlist Member membership plugin or thinking of using it, check our complete repository for Wishlist Member dedicated plugins and extensions

Stylizing Your Entire Websites Images Borders Using this Simple Plugin

Stylizing Your Entire Websites Images Borders Using this Simple Plugin

There are many ways to styling images boarders in a WordPress website:

1. You can add a custom CSS code which can be easily done using My Custom CSS plugin or through your website’s theme, if your theme includes an option to add custom CSS.Ā The main downside when using this way is that you need to have basic CSS understanding.

2. You can downloadĀ a plugin called Advanced Image Styles from the WordPress repository, but then you will need to adjust each image separately (very time-consuming), as seen in the screenshot below:

Advanced Image Styles - WordPress Plugin

Advanced Image Styles – WordPress Plugin


Adding Stylized Borders to All Your Images Easily

We came across a very simple yet helpful plugin called “WP Image Borders” that allows you to add stylized boarders to all of your website’s images from one settings screen.

The Settings screen is divided to 3 main styling types of settings:

1. Image target – you can add borders to all images by checking the box (as seen in the screenshot below) or by adding specific CSS classes:

Target Images - Advanced Image Styles

Target Images – Advanced Image Styles


2. Customize images borders – you can choose your desired style from the drop-down list (solid/ dashed/ dotted etc.), width, radius and color:

Customize images borders - Advanced Image Styles

Customize images borders – Advanced Image Styles


3. Drop shadow – you can add horizontal / vertical shadow, blur and choose the color:

Drop Shadows to Images - Advanced Image Styles

Drop Shadows to Images – Advanced Image Styles


This simple plugin can help you design and stylized your website’s images quickly and easily.

If you found this post helpful, don’t hesitate to share it on your favorite social networks using the social buttons below.

Creating Forms with Conditional Logic Using NinjaForms

Creating Forms with Conditional Logic Using NinjaForms

NinjaForms is, without a doubt, one of the most popular plugins for creating different forms in your WordPress website.

The basic NinjaForms plugin can be downloaded for free from the WordPress repository or from website directly, plus, you can purchase a license for each of the plugin’s extensions separately.

One very useful extension is “Conditional Logic” that allows you to create “smart” forms that will display or hide certain form fields according to conditions you add to specific fields.

You can basically create interactive forms that “react” to the user and change the options according to the fields a userĀ chooses.

This plugin is very useful and effective, and it is also very easy to configure.

Example Form

Here is a simple form with conditional fields we have created you can experiment with.

You can see how the events in the second field change according to the option you choose in the “Country” field:

[ ninja_forms_display_form id=2 ]

Adding aĀ Conditional Statement:

You can easily add conditional statements to practically any field you want, so the possibilities are endless.

Add the relevant field to the form and you will see the conditional statement feature in the editing option:

Adding a Conditional Statement - NinjaForms Conditional Logic

Adding a Conditional Statement – NinjaForms Conditional Logic


Now choose the relevant option from the drop-down:

Adding a Conditional Statement - NinjaForms Conditional Logic

Adding a Conditional Statement – NinjaForms Conditional Logic


And fill-in all other options according to the option you chose:

Adding a Conditional Statement - NinjaForms Conditional Logic

Adding a Conditional Statement – NinjaForms Conditional Logic


That’s it!

Conditional Login Extension Usages:

There are really unlimited purposes for thisĀ extension, here are some of them we are using for our own websites:

  • Creating registration forms for special events that occur in different places and dates. When a user chooses a city, aĀ drop-down list with the relevant dates in that specific city is displayed thatĀ the user can choose from.
  • Creating different wizards with questions and answers that are displayedĀ according to the options users choose. The sky is really the limit regarding the types of wizards you can create and can change according to yourĀ niche.
  • Creating surveys in different topics in order to improve our clients’ experience and our overall service.

Are you using the Conditional Logic extension for other purposes? You are welcome to share them in the comment section below.

How to Switch between Users in a Click of a Mouse

How to Switch between Users in a Click of a Mouse

Switching between users can be very effective and allows you to get a clearer understanding of whatĀ different users experience when browsing through your website, plus, it can help you improve your users experience and your website in general.

However, switchingĀ between users the WordPress old fashion way can be very time-consuming.

Good thing that User Switching plugin was developed…

User Switching (free plugin) allows you to easily switch between accounts with no hassles and in a click of a mouse.

No need to enter any passwords what so ever to switch between users, just click on the “Switch to” and your user will be switched!

Using User Switching Plugin

Right after installing and activating the plugin you will notice a “Switch To” option near every user in the All Users menu:

Using User Switching Plugin

Using User Switching Plugin


Plugin’s Usages

  • IfĀ you need to test different users during development or for any other reason
  • If you need are running an online store (using WooCommerce, EDD or any other) and you need to switch to one of your client’s accounts
  • If you are running a membership site and you need to switch to one of your members accounts
  • If you are building a website that requires many permissions, capabilities roles.
  • If you want to see the website exactly how a specific user sees it.
  • If you need toĀ manage support or troubleshoot, this plugin can be very helpful

There are so many other usages for this plugin, the above list is really just a summary of the most common usages for us.

If you are using this plugin for other purposes other the the ones written above or if you have anything else to share, please write us in the comment section below.


Activate WordPress Plugins Automatically via a Function

Activate WordPress Plugins Automatically via a Function

You have probably seen it before, you install a theme or plugin and a message displayed if you want to activate some related plugins as well.

In many cases, this could be a plugin that is necessary for theĀ theme / plugin process or, in other cases, you just want to market another plugin that you developed or that you have a joint venture agreement with.

This simple tutorial will guide you on how to activate a plugin that is already installed, it will not show you how to install a plugin that is not already installed (we will cover it in a future tutorial).

The idea behind this process is simple, WordPress stores all the active plugins’ list in the optionsĀ table.

A special field is assigned to that list under the name activate_pluginsĀ .

So in order to activate any plugin that is already installed we just need to change this field value.

Before we start writing the simple code, we need to find the plugin file name as we are going to use the activation process.

A simple way to find the plugin’s file name is by using the code below.Ā These few lines will add the plugin’s file name into the plugins page list, so you can use the activation code later (a plugin version of this code is attached to this tutorial, you can download it and activate it on your website):

/* Getting plugin file names */

add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'wpinsiders_get_plugin_string', 10, 4 );

function wpinsiders_get_plugin_string( $plugin_meta, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $status ) {
	/* echo plugin file string */
	echo '<code>' . $plugin_file . '</code><br>';
	return $plugin_meta;

Now that weĀ know the plugin's name, we can use the following code inside our plugin or theme in order to activate the plugin/s:

/* example on admin init, control about register_activation_hook()  */

add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpinsiders_activate_plugins' );
// the exmple function
function wpinsiders_activate_plugins() {
	if ( ! current_user_can('activate_plugins') )
		wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to activate plugins for this site.'));
	$plugins = FALSE;
	$plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); // get active plugins
	if ( $plugins ) {
		// plugins to active
		$plugins_to_activate = array(
			'hello.php', // Hello Dolly
			'adminimize/adminimize.php', // Adminimize
			'akismet/akismet.php' // Akismet
		foreach ( $plugins_to_activate as $plugin ) {
			if ( ! in_array( $plugin, $plugins ) ) {
				array_push( $plugins, $plugin );
				update_option( 'active_plugins', $plugins );
	} // end if $plugins


As you can see in the above code, you can activate more than one plugin at once just by filling-inĀ the right information inside the $plugin_to_activatesĀ Ā array.

Important Notice:

Important aspect that you should know about this process is: When WordPress activates a plugin on the back-end using the activate command in the plugins’ page, it is activating it inside a “sandbox”. If the plugin is broken, your website will not be broken and you will get a message regarding the plugin’s error on WordPress admin back-end. Ā However, when activating a plugin using a code, no sandbox is created and the plugin is activated in the live environment, so if the plugin that is activated has an error, it will break the website as well.

Examples for usage:

  • TheĀ plugin needs some other plugins activated in order to work properly.
  • You are creating a testing environment and you needĀ to activate / deactivate several plugins at one.
  • YouĀ want to make sure a plugin is active (for any reason that youĀ can think of).

If you like this tutorial share using the social sharing buttons, if you want to add new information feel free to write in the comments section below.


Wishlist Member Quick Video Series List

Wishlist Member Quick Video Tips

If you are a Wishlist Member user thenĀ our quick video tips series is just what you need!

Our quick video tips will help you enhance your membership site with new features, increase your members’ engagement, create a more user-friendly members’ area, attract new registrations, increase your overall earnings and revenues and more…

Access the complete list ofĀ videos tips

Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

Integration Wishlist Member with 2Checkout Possible?


“Hi guys, I’m in my final stages of setting up my membership site using Wishlist Member and I am interested in using 2Checkout as my shopping cart. Is there an option to integrate it with Wishlist? Thx,Ā Molly”

Read more…

Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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