Tag Archives: expiration date
Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #53: Proven Tactics to Increasing the Renewal Rates to Your Membership Site

Many membership sites owners prefer to limit the membership to a specific period of time, so members will need to renew their membership in order to continue being members.

There are, of course, pros and cons to require members to renew their membership, and you can read more about them in our tip: Tip #21: Monthly Membership Subscription vs. Limited No. of Payments.

What You Get From The Tip

In this tip I am going to talk about how you can increase your renewal rates & revenues if you had already chosen to limit the membership to a specific period of time or if you deliberate on doing so.

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Tip #53: Proven Tactics to Increasing the Renewal Rates to Your Membership Site

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Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

Can I send more than one email notification to members who’s membership is about to expire?


“I manage a membership site where members register at a $27 monthly price for one year and after that year they can renew their membership at 30% discount for one more year.

I think that the discount is quite attractive, and I believe that members who hadn’t cancelled their subscription for a complete year are probably satisfied with the content and will be willing to renew their membership.

The thing is that I feel like I am losing renewals. Besides the statistic facts that clearly show that my renewal rates are very low, I keep getting angry emails from members that had no idea their membership expired, I’m assuming they missed my email reminder.

I set an email reminder to be sent to members 7 days before their membership expires, but this is clearly not enough as many people obviously miss this email.

I really need your help because I am clearly losing money here…

In the Wishlist Member settings I saw an option to send only one reminder (under the Expiring Member Notification option).

Do you know of any way I can make the plugin send out more then one notification? I will take any number above 1 🙂

Any help is much appreciated!

Don B”

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Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #21: Monthly Membership Subscription vs. Limited No. of Payments

What is the best payment option – recurring monthly subscription or limited number of payments?

Well… Every method you choose has its pros and cons, and there is no such thing “the best option”.

It really depends on the type of membership site you are building and what you are offering.

What You Get in This Tip?

In this tips I’ll share with you the main pros and cons of each payment method to help you choose the most suitable method for your membership site.

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Login to get all the tips in this link or Register to our FREE membership using the registration form to your right and get immediate access to this tip and to all the upcoming tips about Wishlist Member!

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