Tag Archives: hide content
How to Sell Multiple Memberships in Once Checkout Process (4 Options)

How to Hide Content from Members After a Specific Amount of Time?

If you want to boost your revenues you may want to hide (/archive) content from members after a specific amount of time has passed, so they would have access to that content for limited period of time only.

This is the exact approach that Andrew Warner is using on his highly successful membership site Mixergy.com, there he allows everyone to get free access to his interviews and after a period of time the content is closed for paying members only.

Using Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes and the [ wldd_hide ] … [ /wldd_hide ] shortcode you can do exactly that.

Benefits of Time-Limited Content

  • Create urgency to consume your content and increase their engagement
  • Get more exposure
  • Give a sneak peek to your content
  • Increase your overall sales and revenues

How to Use the Shortcode?

Just insert the shortcode [wldd_hide levels=”Module1,,Module2,,Module3″ ] … [ /wldd_hide ] to the relevant post or page and define the below parameters:

  • levels –  The list of levels you want to hide the content from
  • period – The period that needs to pass from the registration date to the specified level before the content will be hidden (for example: “14days” or “4weeks”)
  • display_message – Display a message when the content is not yet hidden according to the shortcode (parameter is defined as “yes / no”)
  • message – The message that will be displayed. Message format can include 2 parameters: {{days}} and {{date}} these parameters will be automatically replaced with the appropriate information


[ wldd_hide levels=”Module1,,Module2,,Module3″ display_message=”yes” message=”This content will be available for paying members only in {{days}} on exact date of {{date}}” period=”14days”] Your content… [ /wldd_hide ]

For More Information:

Check Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes



Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #62: 5 Methods to Hiding / Archiving Content from Members

Many membership sites owners want to know how they can accomplish different protection settings, such as: hide specific content from members, how to display content for limited amount of time, how to change the protection settings of their content and more.

This tip is a must-have for practically every membership site owner as in this tip you will find many ways you can use to display content to your members to increase their anticipation and urgency and maximize your revenues.

Table of Contents

What You Get From this Tip?

In this tip we provide you with 5 different ways to display / hide content to / from members in different ways, including the advantages and disadvantages of using each method.

Register for Free to Get Access

Register to our FREE membership on the form to your right and get immediate access to this tip and to all the upcoming tips about Wishlist Member. Tip #62: 5 Methods to Hiding / Archiving Content from Members Read more…

Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
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