Wishlist Member Tips about Pricing Your Membership Site
Choosing the right pricing model/s for your membership site is a very important aspect that can have a major effect over your overall sales and revenues.
In this post we have collected important tips from our Wishlist Member Tips Series that talk about how to price your membership site, including using trial periods, free / paid membership, subscription-based etc.
Tip #58: Free vs. Paid Trial Period for Your Membership Site
Trial periods have become a very popular tactic to attracting new members, and many membership sites’ owners are already implementing this tactic.
Some offer free trials and some offer paid trial, but which converts more trial members to full paying members?
What You Get From this Tip?
In this tips we give you our insights to why, on the one hand, you should go with a free trial, why on the other hand, you should go with a paid trial and which option to choose.