Using Wishlist Member Pay Per Post Feature ? New Plugin is Coming Soon…

Wishlist Member is a great plugin for building membership websites. It’s very simple to understand and easy to use, I think it’s one of the best plugins for membership sites.

However, in the last few versions of the plugin, the Wishlist Member team added a new feature for selling not only memberships but also single posts (pay-per-post).

When I decided to create a Pay Per Post membership site using Wishlist Member, I discovered that although Wishlist Member supports selling single posts, it is missing some of the most important features that are needed to manage the paid posts and to make their flow work right.

Quick examples:

Do you wish you could display your members a list of all the posts they bought so far inside the dashboard?

Or do you wish you could display part of the post’s content only to non-members (such as the price and the buy button) and par of the content only to members (such as an icon that indicates which posts they purchased)?

These are not the only missing features in Wishlist Member pay-per-post, so to the above missing features and all the other ones, my team developed a new plugin that will be released very soon.

Whether you are already using Wishlist’s pay-per-post feature, or whether you plan on using it in the future, this is for you…

If you want to get an early notification when plugin will launched, just fill-in your name and email in the form below and you will get an email when the plugin will be released.

About Danit Ben David

Danit is an Internet marketer with more than 7 years experience in SEO and PPC and many non conventional marketing strategies. In the last 3 years she has specialized in creating and managing membership sites for clients and for her own personal use. She also love sport, cooking and just enjoying a quite time with her family.

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