New Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin is Coming Soon… But Only If You Really Want It…

New Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin is Coming Soon

After getting a lot of responses to the emails we sent where we asked for your help with new plugins and services ideas, 2 ideas came up many times:

1. Having the ability to display your members their registration date inside the members’ area

1.  Having the ability to display an expiration date (calculated from the registration date)

Developing this plugin is entirely up to you…

We have decided to put it on rolls and ask you all: How much do you really want this plugin?

But before we continue and let you know how you can support this plugins development, we want to give you more details about the plugin’s features:

The Plugin

The plugin will be called “Wishlist Dates”  or “Wishlist Club”

The Features

  • Display the current member registration date using a special shortcode
  • Display an expiring membership date which will be automatically calculated by using the registration date with a specific number (days / months / years)
  • Support for monthly membership that will end by the end of the current month no matter when the member has registered (on the first or on the last day of the month)
  • Expire members automatically if they haven’t renewed their membership before the expiration date

Using these features you will have the ability to manage a complete membership club using Wishlist Member.

The Price – How Much Do You Want to Pay?

This is the tricky question and we want to do something interesting here.

Like any other plugin we developed, this plugin will come in three editions:

  • Single license
  • 3 Licenses
  • 10 Websites

All licenses are for personal usage only and no developer license will be sold.

How much do you want to pay for this kind of plugin?

Where is the Catch?

Some of you may probably think… where is the catch?

So here it is:

After we decide to develop the plugin, we give you the option to buy it before it is develop.

We will use that money to pay our developers to program the plugin and deliver it you until the deadline that will specify in the purchase offer.

You will enjoy a  40% off from the plugin’s sales price if you decide to buy the plugin that way.

After that, the plugin’s price will be sold at its real price.

Tell Us What You Think

So if you want the plugin tell us your thoughts in the comments below:

Do you want this kind of plugin developed?

How much are you willing to pay for it?

And do you have ideas for more features to enhance the plugin?

About Bob Tolbert

User of Wishlist Member starting from the early versions, developed many membership websites for clients. My specialty is coding and special projects and tasks. I love wind surfing and long walks. Bob is also the development department manager at | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites

5 Responses to “New Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin is Coming Soon… But Only If You Really Want It…”

  1. Another idea would be to allow the ability to export the data to a CSV file.
    Regarding the price, I’m willing to pay for it 50 USD.

  2. Hi Guys! It’s a really great idea. I would be happy to pay for this kind of plugin. Since I will only need the single license I think that around $40-$50 is a fair price 🙂

  3. Hi Bob,
    I agree with Judith about the export option and the price.

  4. Hi Bob,

    Yes, please, it would be great to have a plugin like this available for our site.

    $40-50 seems like fair value.

    Looking forward to downloading it!

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