Tip #17: Why Should You Include a Refund Policy in Your Membership Site?

Many membership sites’ owners deliberate on whether or not they should include a refund policy or not, especially if they offer full access to all the content in advance and avoid dripping it.

Including a refund policy is highly important and it also sends a hidden message to your members that you are confident about your membership site and its content.

Why Should You Include a Refund Policy?

Spending your energies on the wrong things can be very tiring.

It’s so much better to focus these energies on making your other clients happy and increasing your retention rates.

Of course, it doesn’t mean you should immediately place a refund for every client who is asking for one.

If a person asks for a refund after a 3 weeks, especially if you give full access to all the content at once and not dripping it, it can be very annoying.

Here are some tips on what to include in your refund policy.

What Should You Include in Your Refund Policy?

Time frames for claiming a refund – Depending on whether you drip your content or give all content in advance, you should include a time-frame for claiming a refund.

What the refund doesn’t include – If your membership includes other services/ products / joint ventures / special offers. There doesn’t have to be any excludes, but if there are, make sure you mention them.

Important Points Regarding Refunds

Keep track of how many clients are asking for a refund – It’s always important to check how profitable your membership site is , too many refunds can imply a problem.

Don’t feel uncomfortable asking people why the want a refund – You may be surprised with the reasons you may discover, and it will not always have something to do with the quality of your content. It may be that a client thought he is going to get a different service, maybe he didn’t understand the sales letter or any other reason.

You might be able to prevent refunds – Again, depending on the reason a refund was asked for. 

About Dana Brown

I am a full-time internet marketer, I help people establish successful membership sites for about 3 years now. I am a project manager at HappyPlugins.com - An online store for WordPress and Wishlist Member plugins.

2 Responses to “Tip #17: Why Should You Include a Refund Policy in Your Membership Site?”

  1. Great advice Dana! Couldn’t agree with you more!

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