Accurate Monitor for Search Engines Review

Keyword Rank Checker:
$99 / $149

Reviewed by:
On October 14, 2012
Last modified:August 1, 2020


Accurate Monitor for Search Engines is our favorite software for checking our keyword rankings since it offers some important features we hadn't found in other softwares.

If you are aiming to get free traffic from search engines, then you must have a good rank tracking software, the problem is there are way too many softwares, free and paid, so how will you know which one to choose?

Well, because not all softwares have the exact same features, the two main softwares we are using are Accurate Monitor for Search Engines and CuteRank, and the two of them combined give us more accurate results. You can read my CuteRank review here(opens in a new window).

Accurate Monitor for Search Engines Main Features

Keyword Rank Checker Get your keywords ranking in all the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and more. The software supports 250+ search engines in over 50 countries. What I love about the Accurate Monitor for Search Engines is that you can see not only your position in the search engine, but also your competitors and how they rank.

In the settings you can determine how many results to show, for example, if you want to see results only from the first page, you choose 10 results. The software will also show you the search results URLs, titles and descriptions (snippets).

One other cool feature is that the software shows you not only free results, but also paid results, for example: if you are searching in Google, the software will also show you Google Adwords ads results.

Go to Accurate Monitor for SE Homepage

Keywords Ranking History Accurate Monitor for Search Engines keeps your ranking history for each of the keywords you upload.

Rankings Reports You can generate reports that can be exported later to CSV.

Automated Rank Checker With Accurate Monitor for Search Engines you can automatically check the ranking according to schedule.

Human Activity EmulationIf a significant amount of automated search queries is sent to a search engine, it may block the IP address sending them. This may prevent the software from receiving the rest of the results, and that is why you can define how fast you want it to check the results. I usually set it to “Average”, which I found to be the best option.

Accurate Monitor for Search Engines Pricing

The software costs $99 for personal licence and $149 for business licence. You can see the comparison table in the software homepage here (opens in a new window). If you are not sure about purchasing the software, you can download the trial version for 15 days and decide for yourself.

Why I Love Using Accurate Monitor for Search Engines

Among the softwares I am using for checking our keywords rankings, I love the Accurate Monitor for Search Engines most since it offers a lot more options than the Free Monitor for Google and CuteRank. The main reason I decided to get this software was because of the feature that allows you to see who’s above you in the search results, which is a feature CuteRank does not have.

Go to Accurate Monitor for SE Homepage

The above link is an affiliate link, so if you found my review helpful, you can use this link for your purchase. 

About Jen Morgan

I am an online marketing expert and a true Wordpress expert who worked at a large digital media company. I won many online marketing contests including "The most Unconventional Marketing Tactic". Besides my love the to the online world I also love dogs and cats and own one of each kind. Jen is the marketing department manager at | Plugins & Guides for eCommerce Websites


  1. Wishlist Member Plugins | A List of Services We Love and Use | Wishlist Member Plugins - January 17, 2016

    […] 50 countries, view free and sponsored results. The tool supports any language you can think of. Read our full review or go to Accurate Monitor for SE […]

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