Tag Archives: our plugins
Clickbank Redirection for Clickbank Vendors – New Plugin Release

Clickbank Redirection for Clickbank Vendors – New Plugin Release

Clickbank Redirection is a unique WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to use Clickbank as your affiliate program, but also manage your sales through other shopping carts for sales that are not generated through an affiliate link.

Using Clickbank Redirection your affiliates are covered and can rest assure they will get their commissions even if you sell your product through other payment gateways for all other visitors who hadn’t come through Clickbank affiliate link.

How the Plugin Works?

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Wishlist PayPal Cancel Notifications

Wishlist PayPal Cancel Notifications for Keeping Track on Your Members’ Cancellations

Wishlist PayPal Cancel Notifications sends you notifications straight to your email every time a member cancels his membership.

You get 2 notifications:

1. When a member cancels his subscription

2. When a member reaches the “end of time” period

Why Cancellations Notifications is Crucial for Your Business’ Success?

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Wishlist ClickBank Cancel Notifications

Wishlist ClickBank Cancel Notifications Plugin for High Retention Rates

Wishlist Clickbank Cancel Notifications allows you to get instant notifications straight to your email every time a member cancels his subscription.

Getting notifications about your cancelling members is crucial for your business’ success for several reasons:

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Wishlist Quick Access

Wishlist Quick Access Plugin Overview – New Plugin Release

Wishlist Quick Access is a simple yet powerful plugin that allows you to access any setting inside Wishlist Member plugin with just 1 click.

The plugin adds a quick drop-down navigation to WordPress admin bar, and the menus change according to your membership site’s settings, for example: membership levels.

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Wishlist Protected Content Widget

Increase Your Membership Site’s CTR Using Wishlist Protected Content Widget

Wishlist Protected Content Widget allows you to add a “teaser” widget inside your membership site’s sidebar.

The teaser widget displays your visitors content from a closed membership level you define to attract them to register to the membership/ upgrade their existing membership.

When a non-member clicks on a certain post he is redirected to your error page, there you can sell him your membership.

How Can the Plugin Increase Your Revenues?

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Manage Your Membership Site Effectively With Wishlist Protection Display Plugin

Manage Your Membership Site Effectively With Wishlist Protection Display Plugin

Wishlist Protection Display adds a protection level column to your posts and pages’ tables, and gives you a thorough overview of your content’s protection status without the need to enter each post or page individually.

The protection status will be displayed by 4 simple icons.

When moving your mouse on each icon, a tool tip will pop, and when clicking the icon you will be redirected to the corresponding Wishlist protection settings.

The Available Icons

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Wishlist Registration Widget | Wishlist Member Plugins

[New Version] Wishlist Registration Widget 2.2.4 Release

After getting many requests from our customers we are happy no announce the release of Wishlist Registration Widget 2.2.4.

The huge difference we implemented in this version is the option to purchase limited number of licenses (1/3/10) according to your needs.

How is this a huge difference than the previous versions?

This version of the plugin allows you to stick to your budget and purchase only the number of licenses you need. By creating different licenses we were able to decrease the product’s price.

What is Wishlist Registration Widget?

For those of you who are not yet familiar with Wishlist Registration Widget…

Wishlist Registration Widget is a Wishlist Member dedicated registration form that allows you to add the form on the sidebar using a simple widget.

The form allows you to attract much more members to your free membership site by displaying the registration form in the sidebar and making it visible from any post or page on your site.

Unique Features

  • Sidebar Widget – For maximum visitors exposure
  • Real Time Validation – For speeding the registration process
  • Fully Customizable – Ability to completely customize the look and feel of the form according to your audience for split testing purposes
  • Minimum Number of Fields – Ability to have a 1 field registration form for maximizing your registration rates

Special Time Limited Bonuses

Those of you who purchase Wishlist Registration Widget in the next 72 hours will also get two powerful plugins we developed:

Wishlist Auto ProtectWishlist Auto Protect

Allows you to protect your content automatically after specific number of days, move your content between protection levels automatically and literally create disappearing content. Supports multiple level selections.

Wishlist Quick AccessWishlist Quick Access

Adds a navigation to your admin bar to quickly navigate inside Wishlist Member’s different settings and save you valuable time. Instead of clicking 2,3 and even 4 or 5 clicks you will get to ANY feature in only 1 click!

These plugins were developed for our own use and are not available for purchase.

Get more information about the special time-limited bonuses here

Wishlist Members Count

Wishlist Members Count Plugin

The first plugin we will be releasing on the “$5 Plugins” deals is Wishlist Members Count.

Wishlist Members Count allows you to present the number of members registered to your membership site using simple shortcodes.

The shortcodes can be placed in the sidebar and in any page or post according to your needs.

Keep reading below for more information on the plugin.

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The Complete WordPress Plugins List We Are Using to Empower Our Membership Sites

There are many useful plugins that can really improve your membership site’s look and feel, and also help you generate more money.

If you are running a few membership sites, you may have noticed that some of the plugins “come alone” with you to every new site you are building.

It can take quite some time to build such a list, and when you build it, it becomes a genuine asset to you.

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Registration Form

Wishlist Member Registration Form vs. Wishlist Registration Widget Form

Having an attractive eye-ball catching registration form on your membership site is one of the most important things that will help you grow your membership site and get much more new members.

It’s simple, if you want to make more visitors to register to your site then you need to provide them with a form that won’t scare them away.

If you already have a Wishlist Member membership site, you already know how the registration form works and looks like.
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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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