Wishlist Member Tips about using the Pay per Post Feature
September 26, 2015
If you are thinking about selling individual posts using Wishlist’s pay-per-post feature then these are the tips for you:
Table of Contents
Tip #51: How to Sell Multiple Posts using the Pay-per-Post Feature in One Purchase
Wishlist Member allows selling individual posts using the pay-per-post feature.
Selling pay-per-post content has many benefits, however, selling through the pay-per-post feature has a main downside:
You need to create separate purchase buttons for each pay-per-post, which means that each post needs to be purchased separately. If someone wants to buy several posts, he needs to make several purchases, which can extends the buying process, makes it clumsier and reduces the purchase rates.
What You Get in the Tip?
In this post we go over:
- How the pay-per-post feature works and why it allows selling only one post each time
- How you can sell multiple posts using the pay-per-post in one purchase
Tip #44: How to register pay-per-post buyers to your autoresponder
Wishlist Member has a pay-per-post feature, this is, without a doubt, an excellent feature, however, it has one main disadvantage:
It does not register the users to the autoresponder you integrated with your Wishlist account.
So, one the one hand, the pay-per-post feature has great benefits, but on the other hand, none of the people who purchase it are added to your email list, and that is exactly why I created this tip…
What You Get in the Tip?
In this tip we give you 2 different ways to use the pay-per-post feature and still have the ability to grab your users’ emails.
Tip #12: How and Why You Should Use Wishlist’s Free Pay Per Post Feature
If you are not using the pay-per-post feature yet, you might want to re-consider using it.
I’m guessing you’re already giving away free gifts such as: free report, an eBook, video series etc. to attract new registrations and to increase existing members’ engagement.
So instead of sending these gifts as downloadable products, you can grant access for users to view the content inside your membership site using the free pay-per-post option.
Your free posts can include just about any content you want, from videos, audio lessons, written content and what ever is relevant to your membership site.
The Benefits of Using Free Pay-Per-Post Feature
- Use it as “teaser” content to attract new potential customers
- Give access to specific posts to existing members as bonuses
- Engage members better – Consuming the content inside the site instead of giving a downloadable product will make your members stay longer in the site and will increase the chances of selling them full membership
- Have better control over the content you give away for free – Change it anytime you want, cancel the ability to access the content and see exactly who registered.
What You Get in the Tip?
In this tip we go over the benefits of using the pay-per-post feature, how to setup the free pay-per-post settings and ways to enhance it to generate more money…
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