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Wishlist Points - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Points

Wishlist Points is one very powerful plugin, maybe even the most powerful one the Wishlist team has released so far.

Wishlist Points a gamification plugin that allows your members to earn points based on different actions they perform inside your membership site.

Gamification has a huge psychological effect on the human mind, and it drives people to perform different actions in order to be granted with points.

Wishlist Points allows you to award points for different activities your members do:

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Wishlist Quiz 2.0 - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Quiz 2.0

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Quiz 2.0 is an awesome plugin that allows you to create quizzes for your members.

Quizzes are an awesome way to give members plenty of value and increase their engagement to your membership site.

Wishlist Quiz 2.0 is actually an improved version of Wishlist Quiz 1.0 that was released by the Wishlist team as November 2012 bonus plugin.

I will go over the main differences between the two versions further down this post.

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Wishlist Insider Monthly Bonus Plugin

Wishlist Selector

UPDATE: Wishlist Selector is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Selector allows you to present various pieces of content your members can choose from. Each choice member make customizes their experience and ensure they are getting the content they want.

The Wishlist team has definitely raised the bar with this plugin!

Wishlist Selector is an amazing plugin that will allow you to create “paths” for your members to follow and present them with content that is relevant for them according to the “paths” they chose.

You will actually be able to guide them through the site and point them to a specific result according to a series of questions you ask them and according to the answers they choose.

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Wishlist Insider Monthly Bonus Plugin

Wishlist Registration Cap – Wishlist Insider Bonus Plugin (July 2013)

UPDATE: Wishlist Registration Cap is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Registration Cap allows you to limit the number of registrations for a certain membership level inside your membership site.

Using the plugin is very simple, all you need to do is set the capacity in the plugin`s setting, add the shortcodes into the relevant post or page and that`s it.

You can also use simple shortcodes to present your users the number of used and remaining registrations.

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Wishlist Directory - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Directory

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Directory is an awesome plugin, it is just the plugin you need to increase your members` engagement to your site.

Wishlist Directory allows you to:

1. Create several directories for your members

You can create a directory for all your members and a separate directory for each of your membership levels.

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Wishlist Insider Monthly Bonus Plugin

Wishlist Gifts – Wishlist Insider Bonus Plugin (April 2013)

UPDATE: Wishlist Gifts is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Gifts is a very powerful plugin that will help increase your membership site’s revenues tremendously.

The plugin basically allows your users to purchase memberships for others as a gift.

I personally think this is a very cool plugin that can help you both:

Get new members – You will be able to reach people you probably wouldn’t have reached by yourself

Focus on retention – Increase your active members’ engagement to your membership site and give yourself a very solid indication how engaged they really are according to the number of gifts they buy

Think about it…

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Thinking of Buying Wishlist Member? Get 2 Free Gifts From Us!

Purchase Wishlist Member plugin through this link or through any of the links in this page and get 2 of our exclusive plugins that will help you build and manage your membership site quicker.

The 2 plugins are: Wishlist Quick Access & Wishlist Protection Display

Wishlist Member is an excellent plugin for creating and managing membership sites, but even the best plugin or software is not perfect…

That is why we started developing solutions for our own membership sites. Some of these solutions we released as plugins for purchase, and some are for our own use.

Wishlist Quick Access and Wishlist Protection Display are two of the simplest yet very crucial plugins we developed that help us manage our membership sites quickly and easily, and that’s why we decided to give them to you for FREE.

You can get all the information regarding the plugins below:

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Wishlist Login 2.0 - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Login 2.0

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Login 2.0 is a very cool plugin that allows you to add several login forms inside your membership site.

WL Login 2.0 gives you several ways to place your login form inside your membership site so your members will be able to login to your site easily.

Your members will be able to choose to login to the site using their username and password or by using a social network according to the networks you activate.

Wishlist Login Form Types

  • Sidebar login form – Set the login form options in the widget area
  • Pop up login form – You can place a floating login button on the right-top side of your membership site or by adding a link in the menu
  • Post login form – Embed a login form inside pasts or pages using shortcodes

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Wishlist Audio Player - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Audio Player

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Audio Player was developed by the Wishlist team and it is February’s bonus plugin.

Wishlist Audio Player allows you to create and show different Audio content based on specified settings.

With this great plugin you will be able to present audio lessons, interviews and anything you want.

What makes the audio player unique is the fact that you can choose to display it to specific membership levels, to not logged-in users or to everyone.

Wishlist Audio Player Screenshots

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Wishlist Comment Headings

Wishlist Comment Headings – Wishlist Insider January’s Bonus Plugin

UPDATE: Wishlist Comments Headings plugin is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Comment Headings is Wishlist Insider’s bonus plugin for January 2013, and I think it’s one of the best bonus plugins they released so far!

WL Comment Headings is simple yet powerful… It actually lets you add messages above the comment section to encourage your members to comment on your site.

You can also grab your members’ attention by adding images to the messages and different kinds of shortcodes to display specific membership details such as the member’s name, for example.

But why is it so important to encourage your members to comment on your site?

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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