Choosing an Affiliate Program for Your Wishlist Member Membership Site

Choosing an Affiliate Program for Your Wishlist Member Membership Site

Affiliates are an excellent way to increase your product or service’s revenues. In many cases, your affiliates will be able to get you much more exposure to potential customers you might wouldn’t have reached or you might have taken a long time to reach.

Affiliates are an asset!

Many affiliates have experience in marketing and have already managed to build themselves a community, and their influence on their community is strong, so their recommendations are taken seriously.

If you succeed in building yourself a loyal group of strong affiliates, your revenues will increase tremendously and grow your business.

Topics covered in the Guide

How Do affiliates Choose Products to Promote 

  • The 3 most important factors that would influence affiliates when choosing whether or not to promote your products/ services.

 How to Choose the Right Affiliate Program for You

  • What are 2 main types of affiliate program solutions available
  • The pros and cons of every type of solution
  • The most important factors you need to check before choosing your affiliate program
  • An overview of the most popular affiliate programs that integrate with Wishlist Member plugin

How to Make Affiliates Promote Your Membership Site?

  • The tactics you should use to attract new affiliates and engage existing ones

Table of Contents

  • How Affiliates Choose the Products to Promote
  • Choosing Your Affiliate Program Service
  • Affiliate Program Networks
  • 3rd Party Affiliate Programs
  • In-house Self-hosted Affiliate Programs
  • 5 Tactics to Making Affiliates Promote Your Products
  • One Last Important Note

Why Should You Buy This Guide?

If you are looking for an affiliate program but you don’t know which is the best for your needs

If you are looking for an affiliate program that integrates with Wishlist Member plugin

If you want all the important information in one place without searching it for ours by yourself

This is not a technical guide on how to setup an affiliate program, but a guide that collects all the important aspects you should consider before choosing an affiliate program and will save you a lot of time and money.

How Can I Get the Guide?

All you need to do in order to get your complete guide on choosing an affiliate program for your Wishlist Member membership site is click on the button below:

Choosing an Affiliate Program for Your Wishlist Member Membership Site

Choosing an Affiliate Program for Your Wishlist Member Membership Site
New Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

New Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin is Coming Soon… But Only If You Really Want It…

After getting a lot of responses to the emails we sent where we asked for your help with new plugins and services ideas, 2 ideas came up many times:

1. Having the ability to display your members their registration date inside the members’ area

1.  Having the ability to display an expiration date (calculated from the registration date)

Developing this plugin is entirely up to you…

We have decided to put it on rolls and ask you all: How much do you really want this plugin?

But before we continue and let you know how you can support this plugins development, we want to give you more details about the plugin’s features:

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[Case Study] Custom Redirection to Wishlist Member Login Form

[Case Study] Custom Redirection to Wishlist Member Login Form

The client we were working with wanted to be able to redirect members who login from a specific login form to a different page than the default “After Login Page” defined in Wishlist Member’s settings.

The reason our client wanted to redirect his members to a different page was a special promotion he was having.

Having the ability to set different redirections to different pages can enhance your membership site and engage your members.

You can read the complete case study in the link below:

Read the complete case study here

Wishlist Member vs Optimize Member

Wishlist Member vs. Optimize Member – The Full Comparison

OptimizePress 2.0 includes a membership plugin called OptimizeMember and we are being asked by clients which is better to use as a membership platform – OptimizeMember or Wishlist Member.

So we decided to publish this post with some key points and let you make the best decision for you on your own.

In this post we give you a complete overview of both Wishlist Member and Optimize Member.

Just to let you know, Optimize Member plugin can only be purchased as part of the OptimizePress package that also includes the OptimizePress theme and plugin.

The OptimizePress theme and plugin are the same, the only difference is that if you want to use OP as your main theme you need to use the theme version and if you only want to use it for certain pages such as: your membership pages / landing page / squeeze page etc. you need to install the plugin version and use any other theme you want as your main theme.

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WishList Insider All Access Call Session 24 Webinar Replay

Wishlist Insider All Access Call Webinar – November 2013 (Session 21)

Like in every month the Wishlist Insider team is conducting a webinar to answer all their members questions regarding membership sites in general and Wishlist Member in particular.

Also, a replay of every webinar is being released for members who missed the live session and for members who want to hear the webinar again.

Some of the questions that were answered in the webinar were:

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Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide

Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide

Simple Press is a plugin that allows you to create a protected members only forum inside your membership site and it also integrates perfectly with Wishlist Member plugin.

The “Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide” gives you a complete overview of Simple Press to allow you to create a forum inside your membership site quickly and easily.

What Does Our Guide Include?

  • Why you must add a forum to your membership site
  • How to integrate Simple Press with Wishlist Member plugin
  • How to protect your forums and grant permissions only to certain membership levels
  • Screenshots with the exact stages you need to go through to have your forum up and ready in minutes
  • Important notes regarding Simple Press
  • Most common problems you may encounter when installing Simple Press
  • All the tactics to building a successful forum

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Adding a Forum

Simple Press Plugin Download

Integrating Wishlist Member with Simple Press

  • Install “Role Manager” Plugin
  • Determine Wishlist Member Settings
  • Determine Simple Press Settings

3 Common Problems with Simple Press

7 Tactics to Building a Successful Forum

How Can Our Guide Help You?

We decided to prepare this guide is because we discovered that there is very little information online on how to integrate Simple Press with Wishlist Member, so our main goal is to save you the learning curve.

Our guide includes all the necessary information you need to get your forum up and ready in literally minutes.

Also, we’ve added some of the most successful tactics to making your forum alive and active. Installing a forum is really the easy part, but making it thrive is the big challenge here.

How Can You Get Our Guide?

The guide will be available for you right after the payment.

Every guide is available for purchase individually, so you only pay for the guides you need.

To download your copy of “Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide” click on the button below:

Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide

Simple Press and Wishlist Member Plugin Integration Step by Step Guide

OptimizePress 2.0 Review

5 Reasons OptimizePress 2.0 Will Make Your Life Easier

OptimizePress 2.0 was released not so long ago and maybe some of you are not still sure they even need it, or maybe some think that they are satisfied with OptimizePress 1.0 and they don’t see the point in purchasing OptimizePress 2.0.

So I wanted to write a different product review this time, because I really think that the reputation of OptimizePress speaks for itself.

I wanted to focus on you as a customer and tell you why I think that it OptimizePress 2.0 is a must have theme for every website owner.

Already own OptimizePress 1.0?

You should definitely read my review, which includes the 6 main differences between OptimizePress 1.0 and OptimizePress 2.0.

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[Case Study] Custom Redirection to Wishlist Member Login Form

[Case Study] The Community Plugin Custom Development

Our team develops custom plugins for clients on a daily basis, but until now we haven’t wrote about the different plugins we develop, except those we release for purchase to all Wishlist Member users.

So we decided to start publishing some of the custom developments to share with you other membership sites owners’ ideas that may give you some new approaches and tactics you can use in your own membership site.

The first case study we have published includes 2 plugins we developed:

1. PayPal Subscription Notifications

2. Terms of Use User Agreement

You can read all about these plugins and how they might be useful to you in the below link:

Read the complete case study here

Wishlist Icons | Wishlist Member Plugins

Wishlist Icons Overview – Wishlist Insider’s Bonus Plugin (November 2013)

The Wishlist team has just released another bonus plugin for their online community, Wishlist Insider, and this plugin in really awesome.

With Wishlist Icons you will be able to define different icons for different actions members complete inside your membership site.

For example: You can define a “first comment icon” for members who make their first comment on the site.

Another example is set different icons for different membership levels, so when a members upgrades his membership, a new icon will be added to his icon list.

You can either use existing icons, upload new icons from your computer or from your media library.

These are the top 5 reasons why you must use Wishlist Icons on your membership site:

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80 Ways to Bring Traffic to Your Membership Site

80 Different Ways to Bring Traffic to Your Membership Site

Traffic is the most important factor to every new website, service or product you want to sell. Without traffic even the best service or product will fail.

The importance of having the ability to attract massive amount of traffic is significant: Massive amount of traffic in a short period of time will help you figure out what is not working.

You will be able to analyze your analytics data, see at what point visitors leave your site etc. and allow you to make necessary adjustments fast.

Also, you will be able to know very quickly if people really are interested in your service. Sometimes people are caught in the fantasy of how their product is going to be so popular and successful, they feel really down when in the end, it fails.

We wrote a list of all the possible ways to bring traffic to your site. We currently have 80 different ways…

Check it out and let us know what you think.

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Register to our site using the form on your right to view the full post.

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Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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