Tip#64: How to Organize Massive Amounts of Content within Your Membership Site?

As your membership site grows and you have plenty of content your membership site may start to look cluttered and unorganized, and your members will find it very difficult to find the content they need.

If you are dealing with this issue, or if you want to prevent this mess and clutter before it gets there and save yourself time and hassles, this tip is exactly for you.

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5 Methods to Organizing Your Content 

There are several things you can do with your content to increase your members engagement and involvement:

1. Better Organize the Content

You can leave all the content published, yet you can make your members’ experience way better by organizing it, so they will find the content they need faster and their engagement will increase.

There are several ways you can easily organize your content:

2. Drip the Content

Bu dripping content members will not feel overwhelmed by the massive amounts of content delivered to them in a short period of time, which will help them consume the content better and increase their engagement.

You can drip your content in several different ways:

  • Display the content after a specific period of time passed from the member’s registration date using Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes
  • Schedule protected posts and/or pages to be delivered to your members on a predetermined basis (Ex. Day 1 = Post 1, Day 2 = Post 2, etc.) using Wishlist Content Scheduler

3. Archive Old Content

Archiving your content will help your members keep track of the content they still haven’t consumed and they will not be confused with the massive amounts of content on your site.

There are several ways you can archive your content using different plugins:

  • Archive it after a specific period of time has passed from the member’s registration date using Wishlist Drip Dynamic Shortcodes
  • Archive content after a specific date so that only the members who belonged to your membership when that content was released will have ongoing access using Wishlist Content Archiver
  • Automatically manage posts by scheduling them to be deleted, re-posted or moved to a new category using Wishlist Content Manager

4. Change the Protection Settings

You can change protection settings by using the following methods:

  • Sequential Upgrade feature inside Wishlist Member plugin, which is limited and is not suitable for big membership sites with many membership levels and / or content
  • Automatically change the protection settings after any period of time you want in very flexible ways, for example: from level to level, to pay-per-post, from protected to unprotected etc. using Wishlist Auto Protect Pro

5. Hide Specific Content

You can hide your content in several different ways:

5 Latest Wishlist Member Dedicated Tips

Newest Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugins

All Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugins

We have created a complete repository of Wishlist Member dedicated plugins developed by both Wishlist Products, the company behind Wishlist Member plugin, themselves and by 3rd-party companies such as HappyPlugins.com (our online store for eCommerce & Membership Products).

In the repository you will find different types of plugins, including:

  • Content Plugins – Get more control over your membership site’s content, enhance it and make it even more powerful using these powerful content plugins
  • Members Plugins – Create a thriving community, increase your members’ satisfaction and engagement using these powerful plugins
  • Registration Plugins – Increase the number of registrations to your membership site and prevent cancellations using these powerful registration plugins
  • Administration Plugins – Manage your membership site’s structure and design to empower it for your members using these administration plugins
  • Affiliates Plugins – Maximize your membership site’s revenues by offering a powerful affiliate resources and tools for your affiliates using these plugins
  • Wishlist Member & WooCommerce Plugins – Integrate your Wishlist Member membership site with WooCommerce platform quickly and easily in just i-click!
  • Wishlist Member bbPress Integration – Protect both new and existing topics and replies within the bbPress forums using Wishlist Member protection settings
  • Wishlist Dedicated Guides – Premium guides about membership sites in general and Wishlist Member in particular to enhance your membership site

About Dana Brown

I am a full-time internet marketer, I help people establish successful membership sites for about 3 years now. I am a project manager at HappyPlugins.com - An online store for WordPress and Wishlist Member plugins.

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