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Wishlist Member 1-Minute How To Videos

How to Change the Protection Settings of Specific Pages Automatically?


This How to question comes from Mimi who wants to how is it possible to change the protection settings of posts and pages so they will first be available to free and paid memberships, but after a period of time they will change to paid membership only.

Mimi’s Question: “How can I change the protection setting of specific pages automatically? I want to give both my free and paying members access to my yoga classes , but only for one week, and then make them available only for my paying members. ”

Changing the Protection Settings in 1-Click


Using Wishlist Auto Protect Pro you can set any post or page to change its protection settings automatically after any number of days or on a specific date.

After installing the plugin, go to the relevant post or page, scroll down to the regular Wishlist Member Meta Box and set the current protection settings.

Now scroll down to the Wishlist Auto Protect Meta box and define the new protection setting: first enable the automatic protection, then set the time or date the change will occur and finally choose the protection settings after the change. click Save an that’s it.

To make sure all changes are exactly as you want them to be go to the Auto Protection Queue tab in the plugin’s settings. Here you’ll find all the posts and pages, their current protection and future protection settings.

You can also add a simple shortcode that displays when the protection change will occur.

For more information go to Wishlist Auto Protect Pro

Wishlist Member 1-Minute How To Videos

How to Register Members to Another Wishlist Membership Site in 1-Click!


This How to Question comes from Lisa who wants to know if it is possible to allow members of membership site #1 register to membership site #2 automatically without making them register to the second website and fill in a registration form.

Lisa’s Question:

“How can I offer members a quick and effortless way to register to another Wishlist Member membership site?

I want to offer my members free registration to a different membership site that belongs to a colleague of mine as part of a joint venture we are having.”

Roll Members to Another Membership Site in 1-Click!


Using Wishlist 1-Click Registration you can automatically register members from one membership site to another. The plugin needs to be installed in the new website, in Lisa’s case her colleague’s website.

Go to the Generator tab, select the relevant membership level and thank you page and click generate. Now all that’s left is to copy the HTML code and paste it in the text editor of any post or page in the old membership site, the one you want to roll members from and that’s it.

Now when a member will click on the link he’ll be automatically registered to the new membership site. Just note that for the link to work, members need to be logged in to the old membership site.

For more information go to Wishlist 1-Click Registration

Wishlist Member 1-Minute How To Videos

How to Automatically Protect Posts after X Period of Time?

This How to Question comes from Jonathan who want to know if it is possible to automatically change specific content’s protection from “Unprotected” to “Protected” (by level) after a period of time.

Jonathan’s Question:

“How can I set my posts to be protected automatically, so everyone will have access to my content for limited time only and then only members will have access to it?”

Automatically Protect Content after any No. of Days:


Using Wishlist Wishlist Auto Protect Pro you can set posts and pages from unprotected to protected automatically after any number of days you want.

To do that just enter the relevant post, go to the Wishlist Auto Protect Meta box and define the relevant settings: enable the automatic protection, set the time or date of the change and the new protection settings.

To make sure all changes are exactly as you want to to be go to the Auto Protection Queue tab in the plugin’s settings.

Here you’ll find all the posts and pages, their current protection and the future protection settings.

You can also add a simple shortcode ([ wlapp_time_until_change ]) to the pages that will notify when the change will occur.

For more information go to Wishlist Auto Protect Pro

Does Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus Handle Multi-Currency Payments?

How can I display a syllabus of my online course content according to members and membership levels?


“I am currently in the process of creating my online course membership site using Wishlist, the course will be structured like this: 20 modules (every module is a membership level), every module contains 5-10 posts that will be dripped to the students on a weekly basis.

What I need are 2 things and I was wondering if you could tell be how they are possible to achieve (if they are possible in any way…):

1. Since my course contains a lot of content, I need my students to be able to track their progress so they would know in which module and post they are exactly.

2. I want the members dashboard to show the content divided to modules, and under each module will appear all the videos related to the relevant module. This would be like a syllabus of all the content.

How can I achieve these things? It’s very urgent for me as the course will be launched in 2 weeks.

Happy Holidays!


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Wishlist Member Tips Series

Tip #1 – Switching from Wishlist’s Old Registration Form to the New One

We are starting a new tips’ series about Wishlist Member.

The series will be on a weekly basis (every and Thursday) and you will be able to easily access it by registering to our free membership.

In the first tip we will talk about the difference between Wishlist’ old registration form vs. the new one and how to switch to the new  registration form.

One problem with Wishlist Member’s registration form was that many members hadn’t noticed the “existing member, please click here” option and went straight to creating a new account.

This may sound strange to you that people miss this big red-boxed notification, but they did, which created many technical problems for membership sites owners such as:

Duplicate registrations for existing members who create another account

Incomplete registrations for new members who skip this stage or abandon the page.

In version 2.8 the Wishlist team has improved the registration form to a more user-friendly one.

In this Tip You Will Discover:

  • What is the big difference between the old vs. the new registration form
  • The trick that the new registration form has to lower incomplete and duplicate registrations
  • How to switch to the new registration form
  • How to automate the registration process completely

Register for Free to Get Access

Register to our FREE membership on the form to your right and get immediate access to this tip and to all the upcoming tips about Wishlist Member.Premium Content


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Wishlist Coupon 2.0 - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Coupon 2.0

Wishlist Coupon 2.0 allows you to offer discount coupons which can be applied when users purchase membership levels.

The coupons can be easily added to any post or page using simple shortcodes and you can customize the coupons according to your needs.

You can set the coupons to be valid only for limited number of days/ for limited quantity or for limited number of days after registration.

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Wishlist insider - Monthly Bonus Plugin

Wishlist Access Control Review

UPDATE: Wishlist Access Control is no longer available for purchase. Send us a quote request for custom development at or check out all the available plugins and extensions for Wishlist Member in the most thorough repository we built.

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

With Wishlist Access Control you can decide to What areas of the Wishlist Admin Site different users will have access to.

For example: if you have a virtual assistant or a community manager and you don’t want to give them access to all the options on your membership site, you can go to Wishlist Access Control and check only the options you want to see.

Also, if you want to give different people the same permissions, all you need to do is copy the permission list you have for a certian member to a different member. This can be done very easily and in seconds. Read more…

Wishlist Content Control - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

WishList Content Control

WishList Content Control is a suite of plugins that includes:

WishList Content Scheduler

WishList Content Manager

WishList Content Archiver

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Collectively this suite of plugins provide tremendous control over how your content is delivered to your members.

You can get more information and the review for anyone of the above plugins by clicking each of the links above.

Wishlist Content Control Tutorials

You can get a closer look at the above plugins by watching their video tutorials in the buttons below:

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Wishlist Checklist - Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugin

Wishlist Checklist

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

WL Checklist is Wishlist Member new bonus plugin of the month, and it’s a really cool plugin.

Wishlist Checklist allows you to add multiple “To Do” lists that you can present to your members on posts or pages, or even on a specific widget.

The lists can be fully customized and each member can “check-off” the items on their lists as they are accomplished. BTW, you can add as many items to the checklist as you want.

But the cool thing is that once your members had completed the check list, you can present them a certain message, reward them with a bonus, or even add them to another membership level.

Wishlist Checklist is an awesome plugin for increasing the engagement within your membership site.

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Wishlist insider - Monthly Bonus Plugin

Wishlist Pop Content

Wishlist Pop Content allows to display your site’s most popular content to members based on real user data in a dynamic list which can appear within a widget or on any page or post.

How Can You Get Wishlist Pop Content?

This plugin is not available for purchase anymore.

If you are interested in similar features, you can contact one of our developers for developing this kind of a solution for your exact specifications and requirements email us through the contact form on contact us page

Also, if you are looking to extend your WishList membership site with awesome features that will increase your sales and revenues make sure you check

Wishlist Smart Shortcodest - Improve your Membership Site
This Website is Using Wishlist Memers Count to Increase Members Registration
Wishlist Registration Widget - Increase Members Registration
We are the Biggest 3rd Party Company that Sells Plugins for the WishList Member Platform. Read More About Us
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